Blessings upon blessings.....that is how I describe our life. And that is the reason I don't get to blog as much as I would like!
Christmas Chaos
Friday brought on the Koetter/Lindner celebration. We hosted this year and it was a lot of fun. Friday night there were 21 of us here! Next year we will bring the tally to 23!! We played games and Saturday brought a day for the kids to go out to play in the snow. They had a good time and took good care of Grandpa who was gimpy for the weekend. Unfortunately that alos brought them to have to leave on Saturday, but we were glad they made it for one of the nights.
Now for the New Year! We have so many things going on the next few weekends and then before we know it the baby will be here! I am very excited. Only 5 weeks and two days to go!! I am not counting at all :) Time will fly by.
There will be pictures coming soon. So much going on I haven't had time to upload them onto the computer.
First Christmas of the Year
We came home Sunday and had company from North Carolina! It was great to have Jerick, Tammy, Jadyn and Tyler here to visit, but wish they could hav stayed longer than one night.
Now we are on our own until Friday when my family comes up for the weekend. We are very excited to spend Christmas Eve and Day at home and not have the rush to have to get places. Pictures will be posted after the holidays are completed!
Wishing all of you a safe and Happy Holiday season!
Cute pics
Holidazzle, Disney on Ice and Macy's
Front: Levi, Megan and Brock
We stayed at the Embassy Suites in downtown Mpls. On Friday, Megan and Madi got to skip school and we took them to Disney on Ice. They really enjoyed it. It was Mia's first time at one and she was very interested in it and smiled and danced a lot.
We went to eat at the Rainforest Cafe at the MOA after the show. Mia was not impressed. I didn't have the heart to take her picture. She did not like the gorillas. Then it was back to the hotel for awhile and then we took the skyway over to Macy's. It was a little bit of a trek, but we didn't have to bundle the kids and walk outside so it was worth it to me.
The Big Tree
New hairdo's
So, you can't tell as much with Mia's hair, but both her and her sister got hair cuts on Saturday. They were very needed since Madi got ahold of a scissors while I was gone for the night on Friday and decided to play hair dresser on herself and her sister. Dad made her call and tell me about it and tell me she was sorry. Mia just got some cut off the back and they did their best to blend in the chops without taking off too much hair. As for Madi, she did a good job getting it the way she wanted it. It was very hard to be mad at her when her reason for cutting it was because she wanted hair like Mommy's. How can you stay angry when they say something like that. I did tell her that next time she makes that kind of decision, just to let me know and we will take care of it the right way from the start! Here is the new do for her..............
The Christmas tree is bought and up, but we ran out of time and didn't get a chance to decorate it. So, as soon as I get the pics on the computer, you will all be able to see the tree Adam picked this year! So, until next time.....................................................
Just an update.....
This morning, I went to get Mia out of bed and we came down and were cuddling on the loveseat. Megan and Madi were soon to join us and just out of the blue, Madi looked at me and said, "Mom, and I thankful for you and Dad, Megan and Mia. I am thankful for my family and thankful for God.". When my kids say stuff like that, it brings tears to my eyes. It makes me know that I have done something right raising them. I love that fact that they are comfortable to go up to anybody and tell them that they are special because God loves them!
Megan and Madi just finished up swim lessons. Boy did we come a long way from the first week! Megan is going under the water. Not very often, but she is doing it and that is all that matters to me. She is not a big fan of water in her face. If she is never one to swim under the water, I am okay with that. I just want her to be comfortable enough to swim in the water and know how to save herself. Madi has been going under for a couple of weeks now. They are both amazing me. I would love to get Mia in something, but it just didn't work this fall with football and all. Hopefully this spring we can get her into something. The teacher is amazing! They both really enjoyed it.
Megan is also still enjoying kindergarten. She is tired when the day comes to an end, but she has so much fun when she is there. Madi and Mia love music class. I think Mia would go everyday if she could. Madi is also loving preschool. She is a stubborn little girl and always says she doesn't want to go, but she is full of it and we know it.
Football has come to a close for the season. It was a tough season to close. Adam has made a great relationship with a lot of the sophomores and is thankful that a hand full of them come up to the house every Thursday night for Bible study. It is such a joy to have them up here!
We had visitors this weekend. Abby and Parker came and stayed Saturday night. It was a great time and all the kids had a blast together. We stayed up way too late playing dominos, but it was a good time!
Take care everybody and God Bless!!
Sad Day.......
I have gotten the privilege of getting to know a few of the players better this year. I look forward to Thursday nights for the rest of the school year when they join us for a home cooked meal and Bible Study. They are a great group of men and I will miss the sophmores after the school year is over, but look forward to the freshmen coming back next year and bringing new players along with them. It has been a tremendous blessing to have them around. The girls really enjoy it!
We did have a nice visit with the Medeck's this morning. Alison, Jackson and Lexi came over to visit and have lunch while the dads were at the game. It was nice to spend time with them away from the football field and look forward to having more visits from them. It is tough to get together during football, but the winter months are upon us soon and we will all have cabin fever and be ready to talk to someone other than the people that live in our homes with us.
So, to end this, Congrats to all of you Raider football players. You had one heck of a season and for you freshmen, now you know what you have to do next year!! It is always bittersweet when the season comes to an end when you are a 'coaches wife', but I will miss the home games on Saturdays! God Bless all of you!
Playoff Bound
We Are Still Alive
As for other news, it has been a disappointing two weeks in football world. A week ago, The CLC Raiders lost 12-13 down in Worthington. It was a tough loss for the team. Yesterday, they lost at home to Vermillion. I am not even sure what the final score was, but I think it was 20-48. Not a good game. They were not expecting that to happen at all. So, say some prayers and wish us luck for the game on Saturday. We will be playing Ridgewater in Willmar. If we lose, we will more than likely be done. That is not how we want to end the season, so we are hoping for a win.
I should have more pictures of another ultrasound to post on Friday. The stubborn Buffington Boy wouldn't allow pictures of his back last time, so they are going to try again on Friday. I am interested to see how much he has changed from the last one. I only have 15 more weeks and 3 days to go until delivery day!!! Not that I am counting or anything.
We had a busy week last week. Since it was MEA break, the girls went to spend two nights with Nana and Papa. I took advantage of the time and got a lot done around the house. We finally moved the TV to the basement. It is a change and the room upstairs looks way different, but I have wanted this done for some time now and now it is done. There are a few more projects that I want completed before the end of the year, but they will have to wait until after football season I think. The big room upstairs is all ready for the girls to move into. They will have to wait to get the inside of the closet done, but at least we can get the beds in for now. They are very excited.
I will hopefully have time this week to get some pictures on here. Take care and talk to you soon!!
Oh the Joy of School
The biggest bummer about the girls being sick is that we were suppose to go to Playhouse Disney Live tomorrow and now we won't be able to make it. So, if anybody wants to go, give me a call and you can have the tickets. I have 5 of them that are going to go unused and I don't want that.
Unfortunately I don't have any great news to share this time around. Hopefully next time. Adam is playing a game today and we are hoping for another win!
Baby Name
God Bless all of you!!
Can They Have An Undefeated Season?!?!
As for other family news, there is nothing new. The girls are all excited about getting a brother. Madi has warmed to the idea and is now telling everybody. Only four more months from today to go, but who's counting........
Happy 2nd Birthday Mia and Congrats to Daddy!!!!
It's A................................................................
Megan is very excited! The words out of her mouth were, 'Thank you God for our baby boy!!'. It was very cute. Madi told me no, it was not a boy and she doesn't care she is calling it a girl! She says her name is Sadie. Don't ask me where she gets this stuff. Mia just looked at the picture and said 'baby'. She doesn't quite get it. I tried to get her to say brother but she just said 'No, baby!'.
Friday's the Big Day!!!
So, Friday is the day we find out what is growing in the tummy. My gut tells me it is a boy, but that could be because I am not sure if I can live with my husband if it is another girl. I will admit I am a little excited to find out what it is, but if they can't tell and we don't find out, that will be fine with me too. I made it nine months with the last three without knowing, I can do it again if I have to.
The appointment is set for 8:40 in the morning, so we will know first thing.
In other news, Megan is really enjoying kindergarten. They had a Garden sale today and she got to buy pumpkins. She was very excited for it. Madi and Mia started their ECFE programs last week. They are in class together on Tuesday and both really enjoy being there. I enjoy it as well because all the moms go to a different room half way through the class and we get to have discussions and get other ideas from each other. It is nice to have adult conversation every once in awhile.
Madi also has Preschool Wednesday and Friday mornings. She is in the same class with the same teachers as she had last year. All new kids, but she is doing well and enjoying the time away from everybody. I enjoy it as well because then I actually get some one on one time with Mia. I feel I dont' get enough of that with any of them right now, so I will take what I can get for now.
Adam's football team is 4-0. I have only made one game, but am hoping that the weather holds out for us to join in on the festivites this weekend. They have a big game and really want this win! Rochester is the opponent. Adam lost to him the two years he played juco ball, so he is really out to get them! Rochester already lost one game this year, so hopefully we will be able to add another loss to the column. It is Mia's birthday on Saturday also, so that will be a great birthday present. Even though she will have no idea what on earth is going on, she will have fun cheering for dad!!!
There will be an update on Friday letting you all know what we found out at the doctor!
Until Friday, It's a ????????????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!
Madi and Mia's Birthday Party
Megan's Kindergarten Pictures
Megan's 1st Day of Kindergarten
I went upstairs to wake her up, just to find that she was awake and waiting for me to come and get her. She was very excited and jumped right out of bed. She got ready without much arguing. She had her backpack on and was waiting by 6:35 and the bus doesn't come until almost 7:00. So, we told her to come sit down and relax while we waited. Madi was up for the whole thing, but Mia slept the whole time and missed the send off.
We made it outside, had time to take a couple of pictures waiting for the bus and then it came around the corner. Her bus driver is very nice and greeted her by name. That is always nice to hear. She was beaming the whole time. I was a little choked up, but made it through the whole thing with no tears falling from my eyes. I couldn't let her see me cry and then her get all upset.
Madi and Mia didn't really seem to notice she was gone all day, but I am sure they will be happy to see her when she gets home. Unfortunately, I was mistaken on thinking she would be one of the first ones off since she was one of the first ones on, and we won't see her until 4:00. We are going to let her ride both ways for the first couple of days and see how it goes. It makes for a long day when you are up at 6:30 and don't get home until 4:00. Some days she will not be able to ride home due to swim lessons and dance starting before she gets off the bus.
She was hoping to start soccer this fall, but due to some scheduling conflicts, the person that was going to take on her age for coaching couldn't, so now we are falling back on dance. She will enjoy it. Madi will also be starting dance, but they will be in different classes. The will be in the same swim lesson class. Megan will hopefully move up to the next level for spring, but Madi will be at the same level for the year.
I hope all of you that had kids starting school had fun memorable experiences with their first day off on their own. I know we did. As hard as it is for us to watch them grow up and become independant, it is worth it to see the smile on their face knowing they are doing something 'big' all on their own!
Three more weeks.....
They have all been keeping me busy the last week. Adam started coaching and is gone from 7:30 in the morning until about 7:30 at night. It makes for a long day for me with the girls. I am starting to lose my mind. Tomorrow there is no morning practice, so I finally get to get out of the house for a few hours. Not that I get to do anything exciting, just go to the office and work, but I am even looking forward to that right now. You would think they would be sick of me by now, but they never want me to go anywhere.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer. It has been a pretty mild one and I am thankful for that. Keep in touch!!
Photos from the summer
Megan getting ready to slide into pool.
Mia and her friend Jackson playing in the water.
Madi striking a pose before she slides into the water.
I hope everybody is enjoying their summer as it flies by so quickly. We have been very busy and it will only get worse now that football starts this week. School is just around the corner so the girls will be busy busy.
Megan will be going to kindergarten all day every day. It will be different without her in the house. She will also be starting soccer for her fall activity. She is very excited.
Madi will be going to preschool two days a week and a music and movement class one day a week. She will also be starting dance for her activity.
Mia will be also going to the music and movement class one day a week. She is not old enough for any other classes this year. She will enjoy that a lot. She loved going to class last year.
As for the rest of us, we had a doctor's appointment last week and got to hear the heartbeat. Everything sounded good in the doctor's eyes. This will be the last baby, so I am hoping we have a boy for Adam's sake. As long the baby is healthy, I don't care. We will be finding out what we are having this time around. Adam doesn't want to curse in the operating room. Take care all and hope to see you all soon!!!
Summer is just way tooo busy!!
Megan has one last day of dance next week, and then she is done trying that one out. She is just not made to be a dancer. She just wants to go do her thing and not follow what she is suppose to do. I can already see what the recital would look like if I kept her in it. She will be starting soccer in the fall, so she is really looking forward to that. She is getting very excited for kindergarten to start and is waiting for the day I take her to town without her sisters to get her school supplies. She just can't wait to pick out her new tennis shoes.
Madi will be starting dance in the fall. She is a little more flexible than Megan and seems very interested in starting. She will be going to preschool two days a week and then I will be taking her and Mia to another ECFE class one day a week. She has been a typical 3, almost 4, year old lately with quite the attitude. She has been spending a lot of time on the stairs during 'time-outs'.
Mia is Mia. She is starting to talk more, but we still wish we could understand more of her words. She is still very good at letting us know what she wants. She loves the outdoors and water. She would live in her little pool if you let her. She will be excited when school starts again.
Adam has football starting again in two weeks. Hard to believe it is that time of year already. That is how I know that summer will be sadly coming to an end and we will be busy running in all different directions for all different activities. Unfortunately, I will be on my own for all that for the first couple of months. He loves coaching and I won't take that away from him, but it sure does take up a lot of time.
I am still busy at the office one day a week and trying to keep everything up at the house. I have my first doctors appointment next Tuesday. I am looking forward to that. We are very blessed to have so much time to spend with our kids during the day and not miss out on the little things. There are times I wonder, but then I look at all I could have missed out on, and thank God we are where we are today. We couldn't have done it without him.
Hope all is well for all of you and I hope to get some updated pictures on here soon. I haven't gotten any of them off of my camera lately. Summer is for falling behind because you have nothing to do in the winter but catch up!!!!
We are still alive....
As for me, San Diego was a blast. It was nice to go and spend some time with Katie, knowing we really didn't have to be anywhere at any certain time. Just had to be back at somewhat of a decent time to let Gypsy the dog out!!! Thank you Katie and Gypsy for making my visit so much fun.
I will be getting some pictures on soon, hopefully one day this weekend. Take care all of you and hope the summer is keeping you as busy as it is us!!
Will We Finally Get a Boy?!?!?!
7 more days to go...........
Look at our new ride!!!
The Graduate!!!!
We had a little celebration dinner at our house in the evening. Our friend Megan graduates from high school this year, so we added her into the celebration. Thank you Nana, Papa, Kurt, Kelly, Colleen, Josh and Megan for making the day that much more special and memorable!!!!
Daddy did my hair...........
Madi's Last Day of Preschool
Sunday was the day of the big party. Megan had a Barbie party this year. She had a wonderful day and we even got to play outside. Two weeks ago I was not sure if we were going to be able to be out, but the snow is gone. It turned out great and she got lots of wonderful presents.
What a wonderfully, great little girl I have!!!! We Love You Megan Ann Catherine!! Happy Birthday from all of us!