
April's Snow

I don't even like typing that bad 4 letter 's' word. Thankfully it is too warm for any of the new stuff to stick, but what is with this weather???

Megan is very excited to start back to dance this Friday. She had to take the month of March off because of vacation. She can't wait to get back into those tap shoes. She has graduation from School Readiness coming up in May. I can't believe she is going to be in kindergarten. I had an informational meeting to go over what a day in kindergarten looks like. She will be worn out after that day.

Madi just got back from a mini vacation down at Nana and Papa's. We missed having her craziness around the house. So much energy in that little girl. She will be done with Preschool next month, but will be starting it all over again in the fall. Since we are going to keep her back for a year, we will be sending her to another year of Preschool.

Mia, Mia, Mia!! What are we going to do with that energy of hers?? She is constantly on the go and I feel like I put on 10 miles a day just trying to keep up with her. She is starting to say more words that we can understand. She still talks gibberish a lot. She will be in some sort of classroom setting next fall, just not sure what yet. It all depends on the schedule for Madi and what days we have open.

As for the people that are "supposedly" in charge around the house, we are busy, busy! We have "date night" once a week. It is nice to get out and have a meal with no kids. I forget by the next week what a hot meal tastes like. I am very excited for next weekend. I get to get away for the weekend and spend some time with my very good friend, Abby. With kids and all, we don't get to spend too much time together, so I am really looking forward to the weekend away from home!

We are looking forward for the weather to get even nicer so it is easier to get outside more often. The mornings are still pretty cool up here and with school two days a week, we hardly ever have time. So, Spring, please come and visit us soon!!!!!

1 comment:

Abby said...

YAY! I'm excited that I made your blog. And that you're coming to visit! It will be so fun to have "girl time".