
Quick Update

Just a quick update. Everybody here is doing well.

Megan is really starting to read well. She is enjoying school and is learning lots. She has started bringing home more non-fiction books from the library. Apparently she wants to learn something from the books she checks out.

Madi is still enjoying preschool. She has come so far this year and I am glad we decided to repeat preschool another year before sending her to school readiness. Her best friend this year is Elizabeth. They play so well together. I couldn't get in to volunteer this time around because of the baby, but see her teachers enough to know she is doing well.

Mia is enjoying her one day of school. Her participation has gotten much better. She is saying her ABC's and singing lots.

Elijah continues to grow and grow. He is starting to smile and stay awake more during the day. He had his first bottle the other day, so now I can leave the house for more than two hours at a time! He doesn't get one often, but at least we know he will take one.

The girls are still so in love with him and haven't showed a single ounce of jealousy towards him. What a blessing!!

We are on the countdown for another niece or nephew. Only a few more weeks until my sister has her baby!! Can't wait to meet the new bundle!

Pictures will be coming soon. I forgot my camera at my in-laws, so I can't get any new ones loaded.

1 comment:

mom2parker said...

If your house wasn't busy and crazy...it wouldn't be the Buffington's!

Can't wait to see you SOON. It will be here before we know it!

Love you.